About Us

Palo Verde Art Club promotes community, inspiration, education, critique, and opportunity to stimulate and guide our members.

We welcome visitors and new members to enjoy our monthly social, artist gathering, and demonstrations. This monthly event is held in the Sundial Center East Hall, third Monday of the month, October through April, noon to 2:30 PM. Or stop by our club studio to talk with our artists and view some of our work.

Executive Officers

President Barb Zanoni
Vice President Judy Wright
Secretary Kathy Palmer
Treasurer Josh Thompson
Audio/Visual Jo Peterson
Donation Sales Jo Peterson
Education Ruth Little
Gallery Ruth Little
Historian Kathy Palmer
Hospitality Terri Lewis
Kitchen Supplies Kathy Palmer 
Librarian Diane Elmer
Membership Denise Russell
Nominating Committee Kaj Lofgreen
Nominating Committee Maggie Dutch
Rules and Regulations Eileen Moore
Showcase/Artist of the Month Donna Berger
2nd Monday Critique Ruth Little
Website Laura Bossart
Publicity Judy Wright
Newsletter Marion Wishnefski
E-Blast Joette Conger
AOM Article/Photos  
Special Events (Shows)  
PVA Art Show

Eileen Moore & Alison Killam

Fall Arts & Crafts