I am a native of Montreal, Quebec. My professional life began as a teacher of English as a foreign language for eight years. After moving to the US, I entered the business world in finance, then the dairy industry and finally as a technical writer for a government agency in El Paso, Texas. My work has taken me into five states before retiring to Sun City in 2015.
My recreational interests were primarily in music until I was approaching retirement. I took a sketching class and thanks to a great teacher I shocked myself by producing a recognizable image of a friend and was encouraged to continue. However, the class was discontinued. I gravitated to making jewelry. I formed my own little company selling my work at local craft shows and markets on weekends.
On moving to Sun City in November 2015, I decided to make my own beads in clay but I had lost my enthusiasm. I began taking art classes in 2018. I entered my first show in 2019 and was thrilled when the piece sold. I work primarily in watercolor, colored pencil and alcohol ink.
I enjoy exploring new artistic trends as they apply to both realistic and abstract expression. I have always been an experimenter. While what I play with may not be new to the artistic world, it is new to me. Lately my art has been more impressionistic. Is it successful? That is up to the viewer, but I enjoyed creating it. It is fun and isn’t that what we all want? A bit of fun?