INSTRUCTOR: Alison Evans Killam
EVENT TITLE:: Intuitive Acrylic Abstract NUMBER: 24112520
CLASS DATE: Monday, November 25, 2024 TIME: 9-11 am
Min. 5/ Max. 10 Students
Class size limited. Please sign up on the class sheet in the club room before paying for this class.
Supply List:
- Three 16 X 20 Canvases
- A varied selection of Acrylics – THE MORE THE BETTER. You will need lots of paint for this workshop.
- Fluid Acrylics – if you have them.
- Large 1 inch to 4 inch brushes.
- Palette knives – larger the better. Dollar store drywall stuff works great.
- Stencils, scrap paper, fabrics. Gift wrapping paper.
- Acrylic Pens (if you have them). Instructor can supply some.
- Water container, Blue Shop Towels and Latex Gloves or Hand protector cream.
Prep work – NONE
NOTE: If you have paintings that you don’t like – BRING THEM – you can paint over them!!!